12 Sep 2024
RISSB Connect Edition 77 – September 2024
No images? Click here ![]() Edition 77, September 2024 A message from our CEO | Damien White ![]() This edition of RISSB Connect is the first of what will now be a monthly publication. One of the reasons for moving to a monthly edition is to provide an opportunity to better present the life-cycle of our product development process. As it stands, the only time that people might be made aware of our work is when we call for Development Group members, and when we undertake the Public Consultation process for our products. When I started at RISSB, I observed and commented that we’re like many good companies – doing good work, but not telling our story very well. And for our products, which are not physical or tangible, it is even more important to tell the story of how we and industry go about our prioritisation, collaboration, industry learning and problem solving to produce our products and deliver benefits for our industry. We have many industry contributors who we engage with through our Steering Committees, Development Groups and other groups - colloquially called “The RISSB Network” – who understand what we do, and who are enthusiastic about our work. Many others in industry and government demonstrate their ongoing confidence in the work we do through their ongoing support. Taking the opportunity to tell our story and to talk about how we go about solving industry’s challenges and opportunities, we expect will attract a wider range of industry contributors to join our collaborative efforts. LATEST NEWSSecond Train Visibility Research Report ReleasedRISSB welcomes the recent release of
the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator’s (ONRSR) second independent assessment of the effects of additional lighting on freight locomotives. Conducted by the Monash Institute of Railway Technology (Monash IRT), this study specifically examined the impact of additional flashing LED beacon lights mounted on the front and side of locomotives and is the second such assessment commissioned by ONRSR. ![]() The Authorised Health Professionals program system is changingMetro Trains Australia (MTA) and the Rail Industry Safety Standards Board (RISSB) have worked together to develop a new Authorised Health Professionals (AHP) program that will provide a professional administration of the AHP program. PEOPLE SPOTLIGHTKevin Reeves ![]() Kevin has made a significant contribution to the Australian railway industry over an impressive 50-year career. His safe working knowledge and expertise and commitment to mentoring the next generation of rail industry leaders has, and will continue to play a key role in shaping our industry for the better. Kevin has contributed to and supported the development of numerous RISSB products over the last 15 years. His work with the Australian Network Rules and Procedures and National Rules development group, has been invaluable to improving nationwide safety and productivity improvements. Our Australian rail network is better off thanks to everything Kevin has achieved in the industry. RISSB wishes Kevin the best of luck in his future endeavors as he moves into retirement. Thank you Kevin! ![]() RISSB PROJECT FOCUSCode of Practice - Rail Transport of Dangerous GoodsRISSB has facilitated meetings of Australian and New Zealand rail industry specialists to develop a Code of Practice for the Rail Transport of Dangerous Goods (RTDG). The purpose of the Code of Practice is to provide Rail Transport Operators (RTOs) a risk management approach for the safe transport of dangerous goods by rail. The Code of Practice aligns the Australian Dangerous Goods Code (ADG) and Rail Safety National Law, focusing on practical applications for loading, shunting, marshalling, and separating dangerous goods to mitigate risks. This Code of Practice is planned to be released for public consultation in late 2024. For a full list of RISSB projects, please see our Work Plan 2024 - 2025. The National Transport Commission (NTC) leads national land transport reform in support of all Australian governments to improve safety, productivity, environmental outcomes and regulatory efficiency. RISSB works with the NTC as part of the National Rail Action Plan to address these issues. NTC recently opened consultation to obtain feedback on the first series of proposed amendments to the Rail Safety National Law (RSNL) Regulations to address the lack of interoperability. We encourage our members to provide feedback to NTC. We have a suite of interoperability products that will provide additional guidance material on the possible requirements associated with this:
RISSB PRODUCT UPDATESCurrent calls for Public Consultation AS 7502 Road Rail Vehicles – Review AS 7470 Human Factors Integration in Rail Engineering Projects – Review Current calls for Development Groups AS 1085 Railway Track Material – Parts 2,3 and 10 – Review Progress - AS 7632 Railway Infrastructure – Signage Development GroupFollowing the call for members earlier this year, the Development Group for AS 7632 Railway Infrastructure – Signage was formed. The Group met for the first time in September. Made up of subject matter experts from a large cross section of industry, they discussed how this Standard could be strengthened to drive harmonisation and interoperability. This included discussion on standard colours and colour codes for signage, and consideration of several requests for updates made through the RISSB Change Request system. This Development Group will be meeting monthly, with the public consultation draft expected to be released before the end of 2024. TRAINING AND EVENTS![]() ALCAM trainingIn August the Australian Level Crossing Assessment Model (ALCAM) Survey & Rating Training was held in Ballarat for persons nominated by the Victorian Department of Transport. RISSB is working with the National ALCAM Committee to review the ALCAM Training Strategy and investigate ways to make this training more accessible. ![]() Undertake derailment investigationsLast month we were joined in Sydney by participants from Australian regulatory authorities, the Taiwan Transportation Safety Board and rail operators from across Australia. for the derailment course. The next opportunity for Undertake a Derailment Investigation (TLIF5023) will be in Brisbane from September 24th to 26th. RISSB MasterClass WebinarsMental Health Co-deployment Trial RISSB training coursesUndertake a Derailment Investigation Course THE RISSB NETWORKRISSB manages a number of committees and groups through which we engage with industry. This network brings together the industry’s subject matter experts to not only share knowledge but deliver innovative solutions for some of the industry’s priorities. ![]() Signal Passed at Danger (SPAD/PAE) working group connects membersThe SPAD (PAE) working group met on 28 August, in a meeting chaired by Craig Dance, Director Safety Improvement, V/Line. Highlights of the meeting included a presentation on CQU research and initiatives and the review of the SPAD risk management guideline led by RISSB. Email info@rissb.com.au to find out how to become part of the group. Chief Medical Officers Council (CMOC)The CMOC provides overall governance of the processes around assessing the fitness of rail safety workers. They have been busy the last few months working with RISSB in collaborating with the NTC on the review of the National Standard for the Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers to ensure it meets the needs of the industry and the rollout of the new Authorised Health Professionals (AHP) program. Their expertise and experience have been invaluable to ensure a successful implementation of the Standard, keeping rail workers and our communities safe. |