23 Jan 2024
RISSB Connect Edition 47
No images? Click here Edition 47 January 2024 INSIDE THIS EDITION+ CEO message CEO MESSAGEI hope everyone had a safe and restful holiday period, and at RISSB we’re now back and focussing again on the execution of our strategy, on leveraging collaboration opportunities with our industry and government partners, and maximising our involvement and leadership of interoperability initiatives. But not everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday period after the devastating level crossing collision on New Year’s eve. Two of Pacific National’s Locomotive Drivers from Port Augusta were fatally injured, and the aftermath of the incident has obviously deeply impacted the Drivers’ families, friends, the local community at Port Augusta, and the Australian railway community more generally. The National Level Crossing Safety Strategy contains five key objectives;
And whilst the rail industry and governments commit significant resources and efforts to improving level crossing safety, it is clear that all parties responsible for railway interfaces need to re-think the actions and commitments required to deliver a Zero Harm environment at level crossings. Certainly, RISSB will be assessing its influence and efforts and collaborative opportunities to assist industry and government in delivering safer outcomes at our level crossings. Damien White PRODUCTSRail Operations and Safety Product updateRISSB commenced the review of four Rail Operations and Safety products during 2023. These products are now well underway and are due to be delivered and completed in 2024. These products include:
All of these projects are currently well supported by industry specialists, ensuring the products reflect good practice and align with industry requirements. Watch this space for more updates over the coming weeks. Call for Public Consultation - AS 7661 Ballastless Track SystemsAS 7661 Ballastless Track Systems is now available for a two month Public Consultation. The objective of this Standard is to provide the technical requirements that will enable a rail infrastructure manager (RIM) to design, supply, install and maintain ballastless track systems. Comments must be received by Friday, 23 March 2024. An update on AS 7531 Rolling Stock Lighting and VisibilityThe revised AS 7531 Rolling Stock Lighting and Visibility Standard is now available to download for members from the RISSB product catalogue. The finalisation and approval of this updated version is a culmination of two years of work by our dedicated Development Group members, subject matter experts within the industry and representative bodies, who volunteer their time to review and provide content for the Standards and products RISSB develops. The key updates in this version of AS 7531 Rolling Stock Lighting and Visibility include:
While further testing is completed by the Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR) and Monash Institute of Railway Technology, we look forward to continuing to work with industry in 2024 to ensure that our Standards represent best practice for the Australian Rail Industry. Look out for AS 7739.2 Digital Engineering: Data Model and Guideline Safe Operation of Restricted Access Vehicles across Level Crossings to be released for member download in the coming weeks. TRAINING AND EVENTSUndertaking a Derailment Investigation in Hong KongThe RISSB Undertake a Derailment Investigation Course was recently delivered for The Mass Transit Railway (MTR) in Hong Kong from 12-14 December 2023. The three day course was delivered at the MTR Academy in Hung Hom, and involved a practical assessment held at the Pat Cheung Railway Maintenance Yard. This was an exciting opportunity for RISSB to further develop our collective capabilities, enabling us to share our knowledge across the rail industry, and to further refine this popular training course. The successful completion of this course will give the 25 MTR participants the skills and knowledge needed to efficiently gather evidence, and the ability to complete an investigation report. ![]() Limited places are now available for the 16 – 18 April Undertake a Derailment Investigation Course in Melbourne. For more information contact our Training Manager, Sandra Weston at sweston@rissb.com.au. For more information about the courses we offer, you can visit the RISSB training website here. Achieving a nationally interoperable rail network: Reform is nighJoin us for our first RISSB MasterClass Webinar of 2024, and hear about what Transport Ministers have recently committed to over the next four years under the National Rail Action Plan. We will be joined by Carolyn Walsh, the Chair and Commissioner from the National Transport Commission. Carolyn will be discussing the progress under the National Rail Action Plan and outline the tasks for the year ahead. She will also cover how the rail industry can engage with the reform agenda. Interested? The webinar will be held on Tuesday 13 February at 12:00pm (AEDT). Make sure to register using the button below. We look forward to seeing you there! GENERAL NEWSGovernment commits $160 million to life saving level crossing upgradesRailway crossings in Victoria and Western Australia are on track to receive significant upgrades from the Australian Government’s Regional Level Crossing Upgrade Fund (RLCUF). The Government has committed $160 million over four years to state and territory governments to fund up to 50 per cent of the cost of delivering railway crossing upgrades. The proposed list includes 19 priority projects for railway crossing improvements across regional and urban areas of the Western Australia and Victorian road and rail network. More information on the RLCUF and its guidelines is available on the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts website here. ![]() MEMBER SPOTLIGHT ON
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