11 Jun 2024
RISSB Connect Edition 66, June 2024
No images? Click here Edition 66 June 2024 INSIDE THIS EDITION+ CEO message CEO MESSAGEThis week we begin the communications process with industry for the introduction of the revised National Standard for Health Assessment of Rail Safety Workers and the associated Authorised Health Professional (AHP) Program. The new AHP Program has been developed in consultation with the National Transport Commission to address issues raised in the recent review of the Standard. It has also drawn on input from Rail Transport Operators and the Chief Medical Officers Council to ensure the program meets the needs of AHPs and industry. A new AHP Program will be introduced in parallel with the new Standard. The new Program is designed to further improve the support to Authorised Health Professionals and to industry, while also facilitating access to suitably trained and experienced AHPs for Rail Transport Operators and rail safety workers. These changes are designed to ensure that the rail industry’s approach to rail worker safety remains contemporary, and supports the highest levels of safety for industry. Keep an eye out on our channels this week for more information. Damien White GENERAL NEWSCampaigns helping improve level crossing safety in AustraliaLast Thursday was International Level Crossing Awareness Day (ILCAD), a worldwide initiative to improve awareness of level crossing safety. This week, we want to highlight some of the important campaigns currently helping improve level crossing safety in Australia. PRODUCTSAn update of AS 7505 Signal Detection & InterfaceIn conjunction with an industry Development Group of subject matter experts, RISSB has recently updated Australian Standard 7505 Signal Detection and Interface. The Standard applies to new and modified Locomotive, Freight, Passenger and Infrastructure Maintenance rolling stock. The objective of this Standard is to ensure the continuing harmonisation of signalling systems across Australian networks. It seeks to ensure that all new and modified rolling stock are compatible with train detection systems, including those identified for the individual networks upon which it is intended to operate. The adoption of Standards like AS7505, will help deliver successful technical innovation and industry improvements, for a safer, more productive and more sustainable Australian rail industry. Please email info@rissb.com.au for more information or to talk to someone about the Standard. A bulk review of AS 1085 Railway Track MaterialsThe review of AS 1085 Railway Track Material Bulk is now open for a 30 day Public Consultation. The purpose of these Standards are to define products with limited application in heritage and older sections of the Australian rail network. Given the limited application within the industry, RISSB is seeking to update these Standards via an efficient bulk review process. There are seven (7) Standards that are currently available for review and comment as part of the AS 1085 series on Railway Track Materials Your contribution to this bulk review will help determine if these products require any significant updates to maintain their relevancy and applicability to the rail network. The closing date for comments is Friday, 12 July, 2024. For more information and how to contribute, visit our website here. TRAINING AND EVENTSMelbourne Investigate Rail Safety Course open for registrationOur next Investigate Rail Safety Course is being held in Melbourne on 18-21 Jun. This is an engaging course that teaches participants how to conduct and document any investigation into a railway safety incident. It builds on industry best practice and promotes a just culture approach for investigations. The course will benefit anyone in the rail industry who is involved in, or likely to be involved in, the investigation of rail safety occurrences. To enroll for our course in Melbourne on 18-21 Jun 2024, please click here. RISSB courses are designed to drive technical innovation and industry improvements for a safer, more productive and more sustainable Australian and New Zealand rail industry. For more information about the courses we offer, you can visit the RISSB training website here. ![]() MEMBER SPOTLIGHT ON