12 Mar 2020
The Whistle Board Newsletter – No. 53, March 2020
No images? Click here Edition 53, March 2020 INSIDE THIS EDITION NEWSStakeholder Engagement Over the past few weeks CEO Deb Spring has met with around 30 of our key stakeholders including government, members and organisations. This massive program is just the start and follows on from RISSB’s Impact Survey of 2019 which sought feedback from members and other stakeholders. There were clear messages - RISSB to be bolder, should meet with stakeholders at a higher level and engage stakeholders more comprehensively in developing products to balance business imperatives and technical requirements. RISSB's Rail Safety Conference 2020 - It is our intention to proceed You now have less than 3 weeks to register to attend. With a bold new 2-day format, prepare to be informed, excited and entertained at this year's Rail Safety Conference.
RISSB is closely monitoring the spread of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and takes the development of this situation seriously. While experts are saying to be prudent and practice best-health recommendations that are similar to the prevention of the seasonal flu, the Department of Health are not saying there should be restrictions on business or leisure travel anywhere in Australia. We will, of course, monitor Government websites, keep abreast of all developments and take all necessary precautions to bring you a safe event. Update on Our 2020 Priority Planning Process Thank you to those who put forward an idea for a new product for RISSB's 2020 / 21 work plan. We were pleased with the quality and thoroughness of all submissions we received during this year's nomination period. This week we have the hard task of assessing all submissions and consulting and clarifying content (if required) with project proposers before taking our recommendations to the Board. Current Public ConsultationsAS 7724 Unauthorized movement protection – Operational requirements AS 7474 System safety assuranceDevelopment Group members progressing AS 7474 System safety assurance attended their fourth meeting last week. AS 7474 is the missing link to the System Assurance Guideline that was published last year. RISSB in Light RailLast week RISSB was very pleased to have attended the ARA’s Light Rail Conference in Canberra. RISSB's Next Steps in Harmonising Railway Rules In late February, RISSB achieved another milestone in the National Rules project with the delivery of the new ‘National Rules Framework’ available at https://www.rissb.com.au/products-main/national-operations/. SAVE THE DATE We are pleased to announce that this year's RISSB Rail Safety Conference international keynote speaker, Allan Spence (Network Rail, UK), has agreed to headline our Sydney Chair and Industry Networking Breakfast. Allan will be delivering a presentation on Safety critical communication (signaller to level crossing users and track staff). TRAINING AND EVENTSHORIZONS UPDATEHorizons Sydney Forum 2/3 AprilThe program for the Horizons 2.0 Sydney Forum to be held at Sydney Metro on 2 and 3 April 2020 has been finalised and includes 18 presentations, 4 workshops, 4 site visits and presentations from participants (in groups) on their innovation for rail. Copyright 2019 RISSB, All rights reserved. Brisbane Office Melbourne Office Postal Address |