This Standards Australia brand Australian Standard ® specifies requirements for steel heat-treated, oval-necked fishbolts and nuts for use with steel rails in accordance with AS 1085.1 and fishplates rolled in accordance with AS 1085.2.

Please Note:

This Standard is not currently available to RISSB Members via the RISSB website.

This preview copy has been added to the RISSB web site to allow interested industry and community stakeholders to use the RISSB change request process to log any observations or proposed changes.

RISSB will soon be reviewing this Standard in form of a RISSB aged review.

Once the review is complete, and assuming the standard is redeveloped, the Standard will then become available on the RISSB site as a RISSB Australian Standards® brand standard.

It will also continue to be available via Standards Australia’s other licensed distributors

If you require a current copy of this Standards Australia brand Australian Standard® please visit the Standards Australia website for distribution information.