05 Mar 2024
RISSB Connect Edition 53, March 2024
No images? Click here Edition 53 March 2024 INSIDE THIS EDITION+ CEO message CEO MESSAGERISSB’s annual Rail Safety Awards have been launched and nominations are being sought for the following categories;
There is so much great work that takes place within our industry to help protect the lives of our employees and the community. And whilst those who do this work are focused on improving the safety of their workplaces, providing recognition through a nomination can have a compounding effect on an individual’s and an organisation’s efforts – the recognition really can have a positive impact on an organisation’s safety culture. So take the time to nominate a work mate or work group who are making your workplace a better place – they really do deserve the recognition! Nominations can be made here, and entries close Friday 29 March. Damien White Book your tickets for the 2024 RISSB Rail Safety Conference This year RISSB and Informa Connect are hosting the 24th Annual RISSB Rail Safety Conference.The conference brings together hundreds of rail transport operators, engineers, project managers, investigators, safety professionals and senior industry executives, each year. All with a deep interest in maintaining Australia’s reputation as having one of the safest rail networks in the world. Join us at the only rail safety conference in Australia, where you can leverage the collective insights of our esteemed industry experts. With $155 billion in rail infrastructure investment planned over the next 15 years, prioritizing safety is vital for Australian productivity and sustainability. Our co-regulatory environment has paved the way for improving efficiency and advancing optimization. This unprecedented pace of transformation for the industry, is the vision for this year’s conference theme: Australia’s Co-Regulatory Model: Don’t Throw out the Baby with the Bathwater ![]() Dates: Tuesday April 30 – Wednesday May 1 2024. * RISSB members receive a 20% discount on their conference tickets. Further discounts are also available for group bookings, for more information please email Informa Connect at info@informa.com.au. ![]() TRAINING AND EVENTSVictorian Rail Requirements – Stakeholders, Standards and WaiversWant to learn more about who is who in the zoo for Victorian rail? Join us for another RISSB MasterClass Webinar, where we will be joined by Amy Lezala Zahr, the Chief Engineer - Rail Network Design and Integration at the Department of Transport and Planning. Amy will be giving an overview of the interaction between the Department of Transport and Planning (DTP) and the accredited Rail Transport Operators, breaking down how the Transport Integration Act (TIA) and Rail Safety National Law (RSNL) apply across the different stakeholders. During her presentation Amy will give a history of Victorian transport standards from Victorian Rail Industry Operators’ Group Standards (VRIOGS) to the Transport Standards Taskforce (TST) and everything in between. Interested? The webinar is being held on Tuesday 26 March at 12:00pm (AEDT) Make sure to register using the button below. We look forward to seeing you there! GENERAL NEWSRISSB attendance at ARA Workshop on Rolling Stock DecarbonisationOur rolling stock subject matter expert and Standards Development Manager, Bruce Wooldridge, is part of the Australian Railway Associate (ARA) rolling stock decarb working group. The group met last week on Wednesday 28 February to review a discussion paper that has been prepared on the subject. The working group undertook a review of the paper and considered topics such as:
RISSB thanks the ARA for their leadership in this area. We look forward to supporting the path to a low/zero emissions future for rail in Australia and New Zealand through the development of strategic products to assist industry. PRODUCTSRISSB Glossary Review GroupRISSB has set up a Glossary Review Group (GRG) to further progress rail harmonization and interoperability. While industry progresses harmonization and interoperatbility through some of the more interesting areas of rail, the GRG will address one of the fundamental areas of our operations, namely, what word conventions do we use to communicate. Defining terms lays a solid foundation for effective communication—it ensures clarity, minimizes misunderstandings, and promotes accurate discourse. The GRG will manage a systemic review and ongoing maintenance of the RISSB Glossary of Terms. Key to this undertaking the GRG is drawing on diverse rail industry experience, to provide a well-constructed glossary that enhances understanding, promotes effective communication, and serves as a valuable rail industry reference. Call for Public Consultation – AS 7631 SightingThe review for AS 7631 Sighting is now open for a 60-day Public Consultation. Your contribution to the review of this Standard will assist Rail Infrastructure Managers (RIM's) to overcome or minimise the safety risks associated with poor sighting arrangements; thereby increasing safety of operations and people. This Standard aims to provide a framework for the development and implementation of optimal sighting arrangements for visual stimuli in the rail corridor, where it is critical that a person(s) perceives, interprets and acts upon a stimulus in a safe and controlled manner. The objective of this Standard is to assess optimal sighting arrangements in order to minimise risks as a consequence of poor sighting on the railway network. For more information and how to comment on the draft, please visit our website here. Comments must be received by Tuesday, 30 April 2024 ![]() MEMBER SPOTLIGHT ON