Message from the CEO2017 TO BE BIGGER AND BETTER FOR RISSB Happy New year to you all! I trust that everyone had a pleasant and relaxing Christmas/New Year break, and have returned to work ready to tackle 2017 head on! For RISSB 2017 will be a very exciting and productive year as it moves to bring to industry many new products utilising a revised and shortened production process. Through the latter half of 2016 RISSB, working with its Project Managers and stakeholders has been reviewing and revising the process of how it develops Standards, Codes of Practices and Guidelines, and can now confidently state that products which commence over the coming months (and from then on) will be completed within 18 months. This will allow RISSB to deliver to the industry more products each year, and within a more timely fashion than it has in the past. Also high on the agenda for 2017 are the development and implementation of the two jewels in the RISSB crown, the revamp of the Australian Network Rules and Procedures (ANRP) and the completion and implementation of the Australian Railway Risk Model (ARRM). Both products are due to enter the market this year and RISSB is very excited at the prospect of both products being used to assist the industry in its day to day operations.